Testing Web Apps and Websites
New website? or an updated one? Let us test to assure a great user experience.
With so many potential users on so many devices with a vast range of motivations and goals, it is often difficult to start with web apps testing. Therefore, we at robustQA follow a checklist that, at least needs to be followed.
Usability Testing
- Briefly study Web App or Website’s target audience to get an idea about user’s perspective.
- Determine how user friendly the application is from the users’ perspective.
Validation Testing
- Check all the style elements are separated from HTML pages and contained in CSS.
- Check hyperlinks to ensure they aren’t broken and works as expected.
- Ensure internal links are relative instead of absolute.
- Ensure there aren’t any dead pages where the user can’t navigate back to the desired section.
- Check spellings and grammatical errors.
- Validate consistency is maintained across the application.
Platform Testing
- Test the website’s appearance and functionality on various browsers, and its multiple versions of those browsers.
- Test the appearance and functionality of the website on multiple devices like desktops, mobiles, and tablets.
Input Data Testing
- Ensure all the required and optional input data fields are working as expected.
- Ensure alphanumeric fields like password fields are accepting a wide range of alphanumeric combinations.
- Ensure the date field is accepting proper data.
Functional & Non-functional Testing
- Ensure that the data is saved and retrieved properly across the application.
- Ensure the deletion of cache & cookies doesn’t affect the website’s functionality or data.
- Record the loading time of web pages & discuss with developers & stakeholders to find out whether the recorded time is acceptable.
- Ensure the website is not susceptible to popular cyberattacks such as SQL-injections, XSS-scripting, denial of service & password brute force attacks.
- Check if proper encryption is applied while sending sensitive data to the server or web services.
- Test the website’s performance under mild to heavy user traffic simulated through the Performance testing tool.
Smoke and Regression Testing
- Check whether the business-critical features are working as expected every time update is published to the website.
- Once business-critical features are tested, the second task is to test all the existing features as a part of regression testing.